Monday, April 11, 2011

The Velvet Underground & Nico

Velvet Underground & Nico

            The Velvet Underground was a well-known rock band of the 60s. Nico was a extraordinary vocal collaborator. They came together to make the album, The Velvet Underground & Nico. The music they made was a rock, pop, experimental sound. At this time there were very few like them. The theme for most of their songs was about controversial subjects. This album was very underground like their name stated. At the release date of their album The Velvet Underground and Nico, their sails were very low. Originally it was released in March of 1967. This album was recorded in 1966 during Andy Warhol’s exploding plastic inevitable multimedia tour. After being left in the dust without anyone purchasing their album it eventually became one of the most “Influential and critically acclaimed” rock album in history. A large part of their success was due to their main songwriters Lou Reed and John Cale.

            Cale and Reed Started the Velvet Underground while living together in the lower east side. They were very good friends but later would have a fall out. The reason behind the name of the album The Velvet Undergrounds and Nico was to show Nico was not a full member. Although she was not a member Lou Reed would write songs for her to sing. He would even have a relation ship with Nico for a short time. John Cale also had a relationship with the model turned actress turned singer, Nico a short time after Lou Reed and Nico had ended their relationship. By the time their next album came out there were problems all over. Nico quit and their manager, Andy Warhol was fired. John Cale did not want any of this to happen. His inspiration had a lot to do with Andy. He was the man that got them their gigs and put them on the map. Andy Put their faces to the music and made them what they were. He was their support. Their new manager had convinced Lou Reed to kick John Cale out of the band. No one in the band was happy about all of this but continued to play. After this a new more pop sound was coming out of the band.

            Their sound, not understood at first became a inspiration for Glam rock, Punk, Post Punk, Gothic, and shoegasing. Their recording had all the buzz and him of their amps giving it the powerful live feel people would love and have grow on them. Its said if you would clean up the tracks and take all the “Garbage” out of the track it would completely change the song and feel. Which I strongly agree with. The reason they did not blow up like many other bands at this time was because of their freedom music. I describe it as this because when everyone would be using dances and all matching uniforms they would not participate in this because it was not them. They knew this would hurt their sales but would not change to make money, which is one of the reasons they are so admired now. Due to all their “freedom” not only with them personally but also in their music it sets them apart. Listening to them you will find yourself excited confused and amazed all at the same time. The lyrics were relatable to everyone in a different way, the music was energetic, and their personalities came out of their music. If you listen to their later material you can hear how they are trying to out due each other. You get the sense that they are falling apart in the group sense not the music. I understand why this music was, is, and will be inspirational to so many different genres of music.

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